"Best of the Best" Anthology
My story, Reading Body Language, will be included in a "Best of the Best" anthology by Sweetycat Press. Coming August 15.

Free Short Story - Good Samaritan
My short story, Good Samaritan, can be read for free at Fiction on the Web. Just click on this link. Feel free to leave a comment and let...

Dark Matter Now Available
Dark Matter, a sci-fi anthology by Black Ink Fiction, is now available on Amazon. It contains three of my stories. If you like dark...

"The Mummy" Anthology
It's been a while since I've written a drabble (a story that's exactly 100 words long), but I have five of them included in this...

Beware the Bugs!
My short story, The Bug Whisperer, will be included in this fun and crazy anthology by Word Balloon Books. It is currently scheduled for...

June Issue of Spaceports & Spidersilk Magazine
I'm thrilled to have my short story, Another Yesterday, included in Hiraeth Publishing's June issue of Spaceports and Spidersilk...

Movement: Our Bodies in Action
My flash fiction story, Reading Body Language, is included in Sweetycat Press' latest anthology - Movement: Our Bodies in Action. I join...

In Memory - A Flash Fiction Story
“In Memory” Henry couldn’t recall the last time he’d been here on a Thursday. If he had to wager a guess, it was probably a first for...

Valentine's Day Flash Fiction
“Over the Moon” By Kevin Hopson “That will be nine dollars and thirty-two cents,” Jake said. Jake met Kayla’s gaze, his lips stretching...

An Anthology About Beauty
I'm happy to announce that my story, The Burden, has been accepted by Sweetycat Press. It will be included in their anthology titled...