Free Series Coming Soon
So, I finally have some news to share. I've been feeding my urge to write lately. Four stories done and another one I'm close to...

Cyber Monday Giveaway
It's Cyber Monday, and the latest book in my Jacob Schmidt series, Pursuing the Dead, is free today on Amazon. But only for today, so...

"Burden Street" Free This Week on Amazon
My Jacob Schmidt story, Burden Street, is free this week on Amazon (through Saturday, November 23). If you enjoy mysteries and/or crime...

Teasers for Pursuing the Dead - Updated as of 10/7/19
My latest book, Pursuing the Dead, will release on Tuesday, October 29. In an effort to keep readers engaged, I will be posting several...

"Pursuing the Dead" Release Date & Sneak Peek
I'm excited to announce that my next Jacob Schmidt story, Pursuing the Dead, will be released on Tuesday, October 29...just two days...

An Eye-Opening Summer
When school lets out and my son is home for the summer, I often find myself immersed in new activities. Activities that lead me away from...

The Jacob Schmidt Series Continues
While my focus lately (the past two years to be more precise) has been on the fantasy genre, I have some exciting news for fans of my...

Release Day for "The Resurrected"
It's release day for The Resurrected, and I'm giving away three copies of the book through Amazon. Just click on the giveaway link to...

A Unique Story Format - The Resurrected
Over the last several months, I've written everything from "drabble" stories (100-word stories) to longer works like short stories and...

"Where the Azolla Fern Grows"
“Where the Azolla Fern Grows” “We’re being followed,” Kasig said. Adela stiffened as she sat up-right, gripping her mare’s reddish-brown...