The Fire King Audiobook Nearing Release
The audiobook for The Fire King has been completed and is now going through quality assurance. It should be available in the next week or...

A Book Club For Your Characters
What if characters from your book(s) decided to join a book club? Here's what a fantasy book club would look like with three characters...

A Hero's Sin
© Can Stock Photo / Massonforstock A Hero’s Sin Nicholas put his back to the tree, his head hitting the bark of the pine as he recoiled....

An Interview with Hirador
Hirador, a red dragon in my young adult fantasy novella The Fire King, agreed to do an interview. He discusses his family, The Fire King,...

The Price of Returning Home
Here's a flash fiction story I wrote based on my Modrad character. If I were to write additional adventures relating to Modrad's Exile, I...

New Print Cover for Vargrom: Modrad's Exile
I will be releasing a new print edition of Vargrom: Modrad's Exile in the coming weeks. The cover art is from an originally-commissioned...

A Print Release for The Fire King
My young adult fantasy novella, The Fire King, was released in eBook format nearly two years ago. My plan had always been to release it...

Spooky Twisties - A Collection of Creepy Middle Grade Stories
Terri Bertha, a fellow author at MuseItUp Publishing, has a collection of creepy middle grade stories that will be released this...

Book Trailer for MJ LaBeff's "Last Summer's Evil"
Here is a trailer I did for Last Summer's Evil, a crime fiction novel due out on February 7 by MJ Labeff and MuseItUp Publishing. I've...

Book Trailer for "Dry Drowning"
I recently finished another story in my Jacob Schmidt series. Unlike all of the other ones, which have some sort of strange or paranormal...