The Black Rider
My short story The Black Rider will be included in the Spring issue of The Sirens Call Zine. This story was inspired by a recent trip to...
Serial Encounters by HellBound Books
Serial Encounters is a collection of fictional encounters with serial killers. My story One Order to Go involves an encounter with Paul...
Femme Fatale Anthology
Two of my stories, Dirty Work and Foolproof, are included in a Femme Fatale anthology by Wicked Shadow Press. If you're a fan of the...
Trembling With Fear - Valentine's Edition
My dark urban fantasy story Feverish will be included in a Valentine-themed anthology by Trembling With Fear. I hope to have more details...
New Novelette Coming This Summer
I prefer to write short stories for anthologies and magazines, but there are times when I'm not inspired by publishers' open submission...
Modus Operandi Anthology
My short story Forgiveness has been accepted by Culture Cult Magazine for their Modus Operandi anthology. The editor had some very nice...
Flash Fiction Anthology Coming This Month
Flash of the Dead: Requiem, a collection of horror flash fiction stories by Wicked Shadow Press, will be released this month. My story...
New Collection of Short Stories
I will be publishing a new book called Life's Hotel, which will collect 15 short stories of mine. These are general fiction (slice of...
Flash of the Dead: Requiem
My flash fiction story Mr. Ticker will be included in the "Flash of the Dead: Requiem" anthology by Wicked Shadow Press. The book is...
Don't Bank On It - Silly Flash Fiction
My flash fiction piece Don't Bank On It can be read for free on the R U Joking site. Just click this link to read it.