Masquerade - An Urban Fantasy Story
My urban fantasy story, Masquerade, is now available to read at The Metaworker Literary Magazine. https://themetaworker.com/2023/01/13/ma...

Management Material - A Humorous Short Story
My humorous short story, Management Material, is now available to read at Little Old Lady Comedy. https://littleoldladycomedy.com/2023/01...

The Body Collectors
My flash fiction piece, The Body Collectors, will be included in the Spring issue of Granfalloon, a speculative fiction zine. And the...

Award-Winning Books
Two of my books, Triple Dose and Mean Streets, were voted "Recommended Reads" in the 2023 Author Shout Reader Ready Awards. In...

Happy New Year!
We're only a few days into the new year, but I have exciting news to share already. My crime caper Getaway Man has been accepted by...

Ring of Fire - Wolfsinger Publications
My story, Smoke Eaters, has been accepted by Wolfsinger Publications. This crime fiction thriller will be included in their "Ring of...

Blood & Bourbon Issue #11
My short story, Bull's Eye, is included in the latest issue of Blood & Bourbon. It's available on Amazon and can be purchased at this...

Wimbledon Common - A Charity Anthology
My short story, Benefit of the Doubt, is included in this children's charity anthology by Black Hare Press. Proceeds will go to The Smith...

Mid-Level Management Literary Magazine - Retail Hell
My humorous short story, On the Run, is included in the latest (Halloween) issue of Mid-Level Management Literary Magazine, which is...

Winning Story: Twenty-Twenty Vision
My flash fiction story, Twenty-Twenty Vision, was a winner in Didcot Writers spring contest. It won a Reader's Choice award and will be...